Hello! If you got to this page, congratulations! Thank you for being here. This page is not part of The House of Kaos. This page is
just to let the world - the curious ones! - know a little bit of who I am. The man behind the Klingon forehead!
My real name, you know, is Marcelo S. Carvalho. I live in Porto Alegre, a city of the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS), Brazil
(Yeah! Brazil!), South America. I'm a publicitary man. I work as an Art Director, being a Graphic Designer by excellence.
I'm single and I have a beautiful 3 years old daughter, Letícia, as I have already been married before. My real life and
the history of the fictional character in these pages are kind of mixed together, as one could possibly find many references to my real life
included in the history of Rawk, my Klingon alter-ego. Persons and references of Rawk's history and family are based on
my real life's counterparts! Bellow, two images of myself. First with Anelise, my girlfriend (one can see her as a Klingon in one of my pages!), in a
recent photo of June, 1998. The other one is a clip from a photo of January, 1997, from the day of my graduation in publicity!


The pages of The House of Kaos are a labor of love. More than just a "hobby", a serious attempt of revealing my
"Klingon soul". Something that has been slowly growing inside my head for many years. As I began my process of getting used with
the Internet, I was delighted to see so many Star Trek sites through the Web. I wanted to have one myself, but by the time I didn't
know how to develop a fine site for myself - not even an ordinary one...! But the process of learning the HTML language
went on and the easy-to-built systems of free sites helped. I published my first personal site (non-Klingon) in 1996.
Nothing special, as my knowledge was still rough... My access to the Web was also restricted, as I only had
access in my work. When I finally enabled Internet in my home PC I was then able to get really "serious" about making a
Klingon site.


But I wanted something different from the home pages I was used to see in the Web. Most of the Klingon webpages
I accessed were from clubs or groups and the individual ones were almost a repetition of the same Klingon data available.
I had seen just a few webpages with a real Klingon feeling, with a deep sense of honor for the Empire or for themselves.
It seemed like everybody just wanted to say they were tough Klingon fans and show all the information about themselves or their
regional groups and then there were lots of data and some pictures... I wanted something different. Something very personal... unique.

Then I thought of taking the Klingon name I had choosen for myself almost ten year ago, when I was first contacted by
an international role-playing Klingon Fan Club, and make a real character out of it. The name became the name of the "owner"
of the House of Kaos: Rawk Lizarb Kao. This name is not an aleatory one. Back in time, I can tell you that the first name,
"Rawk", was created because I wanted something different of the usual names beginning with "K". In Star Trek III the
first "not "K" names" were shown. They were "Maltz" and "Torg" and I loved it! So I thought that it would be possible to have
Klingon names beginning with any letter one could think of. To be sincere, I'm not sure from where I took the name "Rawk"...
I think I wanted a name that sounded somehow powerful, and "Rawk" would sound much as "hawk", the beautiful
bird of prey (?!). The surname, "Kao" is very Klingon, beginning with the good and old "K".
The reason for it is that my real surname, Carvalho, in Portuguese (my language), is the name of a big tree, a very big one,
very old and solid. In English, the name of the same tree is "oak". So, in English, the carvalho tree, in Portuguese,
is the oak tree. So, if I would translate my surname to English it would be Oak. As simple as can be,
I only spelled it backwards: from "Oak" to "Kao"...! Funny isn't it?! But I wanted a middle name too... Something that no one
would imagine could have a meaning, something I could relate to... So I took my country's name "Brazil" and, again, spelled it
backwards, getting an "original" name: "Lizarb". And then I got to my character's full name: "Rawk Lizarb Kao"! Interesting, isn't it?!

With this name I had long held , I decided to built a shadow of "reality" for him. My site would be a very personal one,
different from the others. A really personal home page - not for me, but to Rawk. The first version of my Klingon site was finally
released in March, 1998, and I was very proud of it. I still am. Now, a full year after it was released it has undergone some major
text and contents modifications, some new pages added, and some graphic modifications, as I have so much of free time to
dedicate myself to it! As I said before, and every webmaster knows, developing a site is a labor of love and dedication.
And it never stops... There's always something to change, add or improve. This "who-I-am" page is a good example!


I was first introduced to Star Trek in the middle of 1982, in a rerun of the Original Series. I was delighted and
I became a trekker almost instantly! In the Original Series As I had missed the first movie in the theaters (by the time of The Motion Picture I was not much of a Sci-Fi fan), so my primary reference (on Klingons) was the third movie, which I loved - in a Klingon Way...! I think the Klingons were just bad guys, with not much of an essence... They were not like real warriors. They were Of course, there were great characters like Kor (mainly!) and Kang, which were great Klingon warriors, but all in all the Klingons only began to have a real attitude in the movies.
I began to pay more attention the Klingon Way with "Star Trek III - The Search For Spock". I became a trekker in 1982,
watching a rerun of the Original Series and

As I watched the first movie on video (only years after I was able to see it in a special sci-fi selected exhibition...), I began
********************************************************************************************************************* to think about why the have gone through so many changes - I mean from the original series to the first movie and then to
the third one... I got **crazy** about it! Except for the "classic" excuses of "production design chooses" due the
possibility of more money" etc., it was a real mystery - yet-to-be solved - at least to me.

By that time there was no "theory" about how or why the Klingons had changed. Some possibilities only began
to raise more recently, if I remember well... and they never satisfied me at all. So I created my own theory on how Klingons
had changed. I heard or read somewhere that the Klingon race was a product of genetic engineering, so, to me,
the most reasonable explanation would be something that dealt with this. I liked this theory of mine, and I always thought in
writing a story out of it and/or making a comic novel about it. I never got enough time or patience to do any of the options, though...
The chance finally appeared with the making of these pages. Here it would be possible to place MY version of the changing!
No never-known "imperial race", "fusion" or whatever. Just plain genetic engineering gone awry... In my humble opinion,
it's the best explanation... Of course, it's only how I would like things to be, but I know they will hardly be like this... So, I'm
happy of having the possibility of publishing my theory here, for all the world can read!

Now, if you haven't yet gone to see my pages, please, go. I hope you enjoy your staying
here and have fun. If you have already seen them all, why, thanks!

may'mey Dajvo' Haw'be' tlhIngan
(A Klingon doesn't run away from his battles).

Did you like my work? If you found this page, please, tell me! You may find me in this coordinates:

Or, in name of Kahless, the Unforgettable, at least give me the knowledge of your visit and your existence and sign my
Warrior's Guestbook

This page was published in May 1999.Copyright 1998/99. Designed by Marcelo S. Carvalho.
The House of Kaos original graphics, images and text may not be copied or used without permission.
Klingon and all references to other Star Trek related terms are properties of Paramount Pictures. No infringement intended.